Shelley Cohen, RN, MSN, CEN

Cohen Shelley

Shelley Cohen is the educator and consultant for Health Resources Unlimited (HRU), a company she founded in 1997. She is committed to engaging nurses in improving patient care practices and outcomes through her passion for triage education and triage improvement processes. Her experience in emergency nursing spans more than thirty-five years, and she continues to practice as an emergency nurse PRN at Williamson Medical Center in Tennessee.


As an author/co-author of 15 books and numerous articles, Shelley is a nationally recognized speaker on topics related to emergency nursing and nurse leadership development. Her live comprehensive triage course has been presented internationally to thousands of ED nurses, and her monthly Triage Tips can be found posted in EDs from coast to coast.

Shelley and her husband are associates for the Wounded Warriors in Action Foundation. They sponsor hunting events on their property for Purple Heart Heroes, engaging soldiers who struggle with life-long emotional and physical challenges.