Wells' Criteria for PE
Last Updated / Reviewed: June 2022
Objectifies risk of PE


Please enter the patient's information.

Suspect DVT?
Heart rate > 100?
PE is #1 diagnosis or equally likely?
Prior Hx of DVT or PE?
Immobilization (≥ 3 days) or surgery
in the previous 4 weeks?
Malignancy (treatment within 6 months
or palliative)?
Related Calculators


Please fill out required fields.


Traditional clinical probability assessment (Wells’ criteria)

< 2 points:
2 to 6 points:
> 6 points:
Low Risk
Moderate Risk
High Risk

Simplified clinical probability assessment (Modified Wells’ criteria)

≤ 4.0
> 4
PE unlikely
PE likely


Wells PS, Anderson DR, Rodger M, et al. "Derivation of a simple clinical model to categorize patients probability of pulmonary embolism: increasing the models utility with the SimpliRED D-dimer." Thromb Haemost; 2000;83:416-420.

TSG RSQ® Reference

Pulmonary Embolism – Quick Consult


This calculation occurs at sea level. Any significant altitude change makes this result unreliable.
All calculations must be confirmed before use. The authors make no claims of the accuracy of the information contained herein; and these suggested doses are not a substitute for clinical judgment. Neither The Sullivan Group (TSG) nor any other party involved in the preparation or publication of this site shall be liable for any special, consequential, or exemplary damages resulting in whole or part from any user's use of or reliance upon this material.

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