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November 14, 2005

The Sullivan Group To Provide Risk And Patient Safety Education To ISMIE-Insured Physicians.

Illinois' Largest Medical Liability Insurer Underwriting Online Education for Over 12,000 ISMIE-Insured Physicians

The Sullivan Group (TSG), a leading provider of risk management solutions for emergency medical professionals, announced that ISMIE Mutual Insurance Company (ISMIE), Illinois’s largest medical liability insurer, has partnered with TSG to provide its more than 12,000 insured physicians with access to web-based risk and patient safety education courses.  ISMIE Mutual physicians will have access to TSG’s ‘failure to diagnose’ curriculum.
“The most rewarding aspect of our work is regularly hearing from our customers that this curriculum helped them to quickly achieve diagnoses that they otherwise may have missed,” said Dr. Daniel Sullivan, founder and chief executive officer of TSG.  “TSG’s ‘failure to diagnose’ educational series addresses numerous high-risk entities that physicians encounter on a daily basis.”

TSG’s courses were developed through extensive research of the latest literature, review of thousands of medical malpractice cases, the study of adverse patient outcomes, and from morbidity and mortality reviews.  Based on analysis of frequently occurring errors, TSG has been able to tailor its curriculum to focus on the highest-impact content and the most critical topics.  The education is continuously updated by medical professionals at TSG with the most recently published medical literature to ensure that content is always relevant and up-to-date.  This allows medical professionals to stay current on these issues in a way that is both convenient and efficient.

About ISMIE Mutual Insurance Company

ISMIE Mutual Insurance Company was formed in 1976 to provide a stable and financially secure source of professional liability insurance for physicians.  ISMIE Mutual remains the only professional liability insurer that has continued to provide coverage for all physician specialties in Illinois for nearly 30 years.

About The Sullivan Group

The Sullivan Group’s patient safety and risk management system combines web-based risk and safety education programs, intelligent medical records for physicians and nurses, and a web-based clinical audit tool to help medical professionals decrease errors and improve patient outcomes. This new paradigm in risk reduction and patient safety has helped hundreds of hospital emergency departments reduce their malpractice claims by more than 40%. The Sullivan Group serves more than 500 hospitals, healthcare organizations, and insurance companies nationwide, including HCA, Premier, and Triad hospitals, and ISMIE Mutual Insurance Company. For more information, please visit, or call 1-866-Med-Risk.

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