RSQ® Solutions
What is RSQ® Solutions?
RSQ® Solutions from The Sullivan Group is a series of scalable, comprehensive loss prevention and patient safety programs, specifically targeted at reducing medical errors and malpractice claims across the spectrum of high-risk medicine.
Programs are tailored to each medical specialty and are based on a proven cyclical model of continuous quality improvement that drives change, strengthens clinical performance, and reduces risk exposure.
This Risk, Safety, Quality Cycle is comprised of three phases:
RSQ® Education: Standardized, web-based Risk, Safety, Quality education
RSQ® Modules for EMRs: Real-time risk management tools
RSQ® Assessment: Clinical performance assessment and feedback

The RSQ® Solutions Program enables organizations to provide their practitioners with resources to improve patient care and reduce the risk of adverse outcomes.

Click for more information on these programs:
RSQ® Solutions for Emergency Medicine
RSQ® Solutions for Obstetrics
Who is RSQ® Solutions designed for?
Because the program is scalable and can be tailored to suit your unique healthcare risk management needs, RSQ® Solutions can help organizations of any size, from the largest health systems to the smallest group practices, as well as individual practitioners.
Hospital systems, medical centers, urgent care facilities, private and group practices and individuals aren't the only ones to find value in RSQ® Solutions, however. Because it is built upon a proven system designed to reduce risk exposure, insurance professionals from statewide agencies, national and international captives, and risk retention groups have also experienced dramatic reductions in claims from implementing our program.
Backed by the RSQ® Collaborative, The Sullivan Group's board of nationally recognized medical experts, RSQ® Solutions addresses the highest risk issues in Emergency Medicine, Obstetrics, Hospital Medicine, Pediatrics, Nursing, and other specialties, including Radiology, Surgery, and Toxicology, among others. Additionally, critical medical-legal issues are covered, such as the EMTALA and HIPAA laws.
How do I get RSQ® Solutions to work for me?
More Information
To put RSQ® Solutions to work for you, just email us, or phone 1-855-RSQ-INFO (77-4636).
RSQ® Solutions for…
Emergency Medicine
Hospital Administrators
Insurance Professionals
RSQ® Education
RSQ® Modules for EMRs
RSQ® Assessment
Get RSQ® Solutions
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